Saturday, July 16, 2011


Kaleidoscope: Seeing God's Wit and Wisdom in a Whole New Light
In Kaleidoscope, Patsy Clairmont takes us through readings from the book of Proverbs.  Each Chapter begins with a verse from Proverbs and Patsy ties the verse into a personal experience. She explains how her heart has been changed through the straightforward counsel of Proverbs. 

The analogy our lives are like Kaleidoscopes is brilliant. The book is a colorful spin on how our lives are similar to a Kaleidoscope with all its bits and pieces swirling around inside. At the end of each chapter, questions are offered to personalize the chapters opening Proverbs. 

 I can relate to the authors content in my own life on many different levels.  In chapter 30 “Something Fishy”, Patsy discusses Proverbs 1:2a which reflects To know wisdom and instruction….. She talks of her mom’s Alzheimer’s and how the family learned to cope with the deteriorating disease. I found this story particularly insightful and loved her encouraging take on the situation. 

Everyone has a story; Kaleidoscope is a collection of Patsy’s stories told with wit and humor. Patsy says it best, “God ultimately uses our past, secures our today, and holds our destiny”.  A tender felt book you are sure to enjoy.   

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